Join our list in support of making Equestrian an official sport-click here

Scholarships for Equestrians
Make a Plan Set your Goals Build a portfolio AQHA article what coaches look for
Resume help College Admissions Letter of recommendations- Samantha
Middle and High school that currently list Equestrian as varsity sports
Benefits to schools
Benefits to families
- New Hampshire New Hampton DerryField school
- Michigan multiple schools
- Ohio High school Rodeo
- Oregon High school athletics Rodeo
- Texas
Equestrian College and Universities Teams
- IHSA teams
- Eventing

Supporting articles for Awards and Varsity lettering
**PROPOSED Draft** Awards and Lettering program for Pinkerton/Londonderry Equestrian Teams

Tracking your time

Our Equestrian Team
The trainers
Heather Evans
Kim Petrelis
Dawn Boudros
Rebecca Graves
Gymkhana Competition May 13, 2018
Gymkhana Competition May 28, 2018
Gymkhana Competition June 3, 2018
Silver Heels Riding Club Show June 10, 2018
Gymkhana Competition June 17, 2018
4H Circuit Show
Melina Reserve end of day English
3 High point Trophies
Gymkhana Competition August 29, 2018
Day end results
Gymkhana Competition September 2, 2018
Day end results-being updated